субота, 27. август 2016.

Official selection 2016 - At the border

At the border (Serbia)

Director : Laurent Rouy

The year is 2022 and life has become unbearable in the wealthy West. Tens of thousands of people from rich countries now want to immigrate to poor Serbia where people still feel joy, love life. Fearing for its stability, Serbia has closed its borders. Rich immigrants will have to cross illegally if they really want to enter. Arnaud, a young French man, is in love with Jelena. The only problem is that she lives in Serbia, and he is not allowed to enter. In the middle of the craziness that reigns at the border, he will do everything he can to get across. Milos, the chief of the border police, is there to stop him...

Runntime : 16min 54sec


Na granici (Srbija)

Kratki film
Reditelj: Laurent Rouy

Godina je 2022 i život je postao nepodnošljiv na bogatom Zapadu. Desetine hiljada ljudi iz bogatih zemalja sada žele da emigriraju u siromašnu Srbiju gde ljudi i dalje osjećaju radost, vole život. U strahu za svoju stabilnost, Srbija je zatvorila svoje granice. Bogati imigranti će morati preći ilegalno ako stvarno žele ući. Arnaud, mladi Francuz, je u ljubavi sa Jelenom. Jedini problem je što ona živi u Srbiji, a njemu  nije dozvoljen ulazak. U sredini ludila koje vlada na granici, on će učiniti sve što može da je pređe. Miloš, šef granične policije, je tu da ga zaustavi ...

четвртак, 11. август 2016.

Official selection 2016 - Fils

Fils (Luxembourg)

Director : Curys Neshvad

Sebastian, who can’t forgive his son being in the coma, begins to see him appearing strangely to him.

Runtime: 13min 40sec


Sin (Luksemburg)

Kratki film
Reditelj: Curys Neshvad

Sebastian, koji ne može prežaliti što je njegov sin bio u komi, počinje da ga vidi kao čudno pojavljivalje. 

Official selection 2016 - Antoine

Antoine (Luxembourg)
Director : Curys Neshvad

Since Antoine, a travelling doctor, no longer takes the time to come and see her, Renée is convinced that she had been a bad mother.

Runtime : 11min 20sec


Antoine (Luksemburg)
Kratki film
Reditelj : Curys Neshvad

Pošto Antoine, putujući doktor, nema više vremena da je poseti, Rene je ubeđena da je ona bila loša majka.