петак, 21. октобар 2016.

Official selection 2016 - Notorious corn

Notorious corn (France)

Director : Mallory Grolleau

It's the story of a small grain of corn that dreamed about glory. 
He's going to succeed ... Unfortunately ... 

Runtime : 01min 15sec


Ozloglašeni kukuruz (Francuska)

Animirani film
Reditelj : Mallory Grolleau

Priča o malom zrnu kukuruza koje sanja o slavi.On će uspeti... na žalost,,,

Official selection 2016 - Patagonia 40/70

Patagoni 40/70 (Argentina)

Director : Diego Vallarino

Father and son are back on fathers footsteps. Their steps are days of route, thousands of kilometers, and a destination: Patagonia.

Runtime : 01h 12min 09sec

Patagonia 40/70 (Argentina)

Dokumentarni film
Reditelj ; Diego Vallarino

Otac i sin su ponovo na očevim stazama. Te staze su dani putovanja, hiljade kilometara i destinacija: Patagonija.

Time for submissions is over!

Time for new submissions is over!Thank you for great movies and now we have to select 25 for official selection among 88 films that arrived!
Film TITLES will be publish on our page FILMS and all that will be finished by november 15.
See you in december at KG FILM FESTIVAL!


Vreme za nove prijave je isteklo! Hvala za divne filmove i sada trebamo da odaberemo 25 za selekciju od 88 pristiglih filmova!
Objava naslova se može videti na stranici FILMS i biće gotova do 15. novembra.
Vidimo se u decembru na KG FILM FESTIVALU!

среда, 12. октобар 2016.

Official selection 2016 - Fill in the blanks

Fill in the blanks (France)

Director : Chloe Marcais

At the laundry a man listens to two girls’ intimate conversation. Unfortunately, several noises prevent him to hear the most interesting details...

Runtime : 08min 32sec


Popuniti praznine (Francuska)

Kratki film
Reditelj : Chloe Marcais

U vešeraju čovek prisluškuje intimni razgovor dve devojke.Na njegovu žalost, nekoliko bučnih momenata sprečava ga da čuje najinteresantnije detalje...