четвртак, 15. децембар 2016.

KGFF 2017 is open for entries

Kg Film Festival 2017 is open for entries!
Submit your work via FilmFreeway.


Kg Film Festival 2017 je otvoren za prijave!
Prijavite radove preko FilmFreeway stranice.

четвртак, 8. децембар 2016.

Završen je prvi KGFF

   04. decembra se odigralo finalno veče Prvog internacionalnog festivala nezavisnog filma KG FILM FESTIVAL.Žanrovski izmiksovani  filmovi zvanične selekcije prikazini su na 4 lokacije.Ova revija filma sadržala je 21 naslov.

  Počasni gost festivala bio je japanski reditelj,glumac i producent Keishi Suenaga koji je na festivalu promovisao svoj  dugometražni film "Naslediti zvezde".

понедељак, 14. новембар 2016.

Novo vreme i datumi!!!

Poštovani ljubitelji filma,

Prvi KGFF će se održati od 01. decembra 2016. do 04. decembra 2016. u Kragujevcu.
Projekcije filmova će biti na četiri lokacije, o čemu ćemo vas obavetiti blagovremeno. Zato, pratite nas ovde kao i na društvenim mrežama.

Zvanična selekcija podrazumeva 21 film, od 88 koliko je prijavljeno.

Čestitamo autorima koji su prošli i zahvaljujemo se svim zainteresovanim umetnicima koji su nam poslali svoje radove ali njih zbog nedostatka vremena nismo u mogućnosti da prikažemo.

Nadamo se da ćete uživati sa nama!

недеља, 13. новембар 2016.

Official selection 2016 - Heliana 101

Heliana 101 (Canada)    

Diractor : Daria Savic

A professor teaches a class about the romantic life of plants.

Runtime : 12min 16sec


Heliana 101 (Kanada)

Krati film
Reditelj : Daria Savic

Profesor predaje studentima o romantičnom životu biljaka.

петак, 21. октобар 2016.

Official selection 2016 - Notorious corn

Notorious corn (France)

Director : Mallory Grolleau

It's the story of a small grain of corn that dreamed about glory. 
He's going to succeed ... Unfortunately ... 

Runtime : 01min 15sec


Ozloglašeni kukuruz (Francuska)

Animirani film
Reditelj : Mallory Grolleau

Priča o malom zrnu kukuruza koje sanja o slavi.On će uspeti... na žalost,,,

Official selection 2016 - Patagonia 40/70

Patagoni 40/70 (Argentina)

Director : Diego Vallarino

Father and son are back on fathers footsteps. Their steps are days of route, thousands of kilometers, and a destination: Patagonia.

Runtime : 01h 12min 09sec

Patagonia 40/70 (Argentina)

Dokumentarni film
Reditelj ; Diego Vallarino

Otac i sin su ponovo na očevim stazama. Te staze su dani putovanja, hiljade kilometara i destinacija: Patagonija.

Time for submissions is over!

Time for new submissions is over!Thank you for great movies and now we have to select 25 for official selection among 88 films that arrived!
Film TITLES will be publish on our page FILMS and all that will be finished by november 15.
See you in december at KG FILM FESTIVAL!


Vreme za nove prijave je isteklo! Hvala za divne filmove i sada trebamo da odaberemo 25 za selekciju od 88 pristiglih filmova!
Objava naslova se može videti na stranici FILMS i biće gotova do 15. novembra.
Vidimo se u decembru na KG FILM FESTIVALU!

среда, 12. октобар 2016.

Official selection 2016 - Fill in the blanks

Fill in the blanks (France)

Director : Chloe Marcais

At the laundry a man listens to two girls’ intimate conversation. Unfortunately, several noises prevent him to hear the most interesting details...

Runtime : 08min 32sec


Popuniti praznine (Francuska)

Kratki film
Reditelj : Chloe Marcais

U vešeraju čovek prisluškuje intimni razgovor dve devojke.Na njegovu žalost, nekoliko bučnih momenata sprečava ga da čuje najinteresantnije detalje...

четвртак, 29. септембар 2016.

Official selection 2016 - Sisters

Sisters (Canada)

Director : Guillaume Comtois

Two sisters with nothing in common have only one night to come to terms with something that happened in their past.

Runtime : 09min 55sec


Sestre (Kanada)

Kratkometražni film
Reditelj : Guillaume Comtois

Dve sestra koje nemaju ništa zajedničko imaju samo jednu noć da se pomire sa nečim iz njihove prošlosti.

субота, 24. септембар 2016.

Official selection 2016 - Cape Espichel - In Land of a Lost World

Cape Espichel - In Land of a Lost World (Portugal)

Director : Carlos Sargedas

A journey through time and history of one of the most important religious sites in the time of the Portuguese monarchy, now almost left abandoned by the Republicans.

16 experts talk about all aspects since millions of years to the present day.

Runtime : 48min


Rt Espichel - U zelji izgubljenog sveta (Portugalija)

Dokumentarni film
Reditelj : Carlos Sagedas

Putovanje kroz vreme i istoriju jednog od najvažnijih verskih objekata u doba portugalske monarhije, sada gotovo napuštenog od strane republikanaca.
16 stručnjaci govoriti o svim aspektima od miliona godina unazad do danas.

Official selection 2016 - Inherit the stars : the directors cut

Inherit the stars : the directors  cut (Japan)

Director : Keishi Suenaga

A retired Russian-Japanese soldier Eiji Onodera was going to his hometown in Japan. But on his way, he was caught and given a new mission by his ex-colleague Captain Vadim Dadikov. Onodera and his father would never be free unless he completes the secret mission. He and the Master Sergeant Zinaida Zasyekina  go to Hokkaido to monitor an ex-officer of Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, Toshio Honda . Honda has killed 27 people including his colleagues, and is hiding in a mountain with a mysterious beauty, Risa …

Runtime : 02h 13min 40sec

Naslediti zvezde : rediteljski rez (Japan)

Dugometražni film
Reitelj : Keishi Suenaga

Penzionisani Rusko-japanski vojnik Eiji Onodera vraća se u  svoj rodni grad u Japanu. Ali na putu, on je uhvaćen i njegov bivši kolega kapetan Vadim Dadikov daje mu  novi zadatak . Onodera i njegov otac nikada neće biti slobodni, osim ako on završi  tajnu misiju. On i poručnik Zinaida Zasyekina  idu na  Hokkaido da prate bivšeg oficira Japanske kopneno-odbrambene jedinice, Toshio Hondu. Honda je ubio 27 ljudi, uključujući i njegove kolege, a krije se u planinama sa misterioznom lepoticom, Risom...

понедељак, 19. септембар 2016.

Official selection 2016 - Invisible point

Invisible point (Iran)

Director : Tanin Torabi

Dance is prohibited in Iran. While it is told to be a sin, still there are many dancers dancing with passion and have not been seen, they bear the restrictions and still are dancing.

Runtime : 05min 02 sec


Nevidljiva tačka (Iran)

Kratki film
Reditelj : Tanin Torabi

Ples je zabranjen u Iranu. Iako ga  smatraju grehom, i dalje mnogi plesači strasno plešu i nisu vidjeni, oni nose zabrane i nastavljaju sa plesom.

среда, 14. септембар 2016.

Official selection 2016 - Independent list of opportunists

Inddependent list of opportunists (Croatia)

Directors : Vedran Senjanovic/Dejan Oblak

INDEPENDENT LIST OF OPPORTUNISTS is a documentary film which follows a candidature of a political option by the same name on the latest parliamentary elections in Croatia. The list is comprised from students of political sciences whose main political goal was the parody of the whole democratic electoral process of today’s Croatia. The main motivational moment for ’’INDEPENDENT LIST OF OPPORTUNISTS’’ was an interview broadcast on Croatian television, in which Split's mayor Željko Kerum said that he will put on the candidates list ''whomever he wants'', which mainly included his sister and his friends. INDEPENDENT LIST OF OPPORTUNISTS is inspired by an idea that many citizens don't know for whom to vote exactly, and that the system of parliamentary democracy resulted in impoverished two-party system without any imaginativeness and innovation. The film follows 14 candidates and the way they manage on the political terrain. They find contradictory information already in the first calls to GONG (election monitoring NGO) and DIP (State Electoral Commission), which confirms how little is known about electoral law, process of candidature and methods of political financing.

Runtime : 43min 41sec


Nezavisna lista oportunista (Hrvatska)

Dokumentarni film
Reditelji : Vedran Senjanović/Dejan Oblak

NEZAVISNA LISTA OPORTUNISTA je dokumentarni film koji prati kandidaturu jedne političke opcije sa istim imenom na najnovijim parlamentarnim izborima u Hrvatskoj. Lista je sastavljena od studenata političkih nauka čiji je glavni politički cilj  je parodija celog demokratskog izbornog procesa današnje Hrvatske. Glavni motivacioni trenutak za '' NEZAVISNZ LISTU OPOTRUNISTA '' je bio intervju emitovan na Hrvatskoj televiziji, u kojem splitski je gradonačelnik Željko Kerum rekao da će staviti na listu kandidata "koga hoće'", koja se uglavnom odnosi na njegovu sestru i njegove prijatelje. NEZAVISNA LISTA OPORTUNISTA je inspiriran idejom da mnogi građani ne znaju za koga da glasaju baš, i da je sistem parlamentarne demokratije je rezultirao  siromašnim sistemom dva lica bez maštovitost i inovativnost. Film prati 14 kandidata i način na koji oni opstaju na političkom terenu.Nalaze da su kontradiktorne informacije već u prvom poziva na GONG (praćenje izbora NVO) i DIP (Državna izborna komisija), što potvrđuje kako se malo zna o izbornom zakonu, proces kandidature i metodu političkog financiranja.

уторак, 13. септембар 2016.

Official selection 2016 - Once upon a dream

Once upon a dream (Belgium)

Director : Anthony Nion

When Valentin meets Ludivine, he is convinced she's the girl he has been dreaming of for the past weeks... Litteraly, the girl of his dreams ! So he sets out to live it fully. Only, Ludivine has a feeling this boy meet girl scenario will take a nightmarish turn...

Runtime : 13min 25sec

Jednom u snu (Belgija)

Kratki film
Reditelj : Anthony Nion

 Kada Valentin upozna Ludivine, on je uveren da je ona devojka koju je sanjao proteklih nedelja ... Bukvalno, devojka njegovih snova! Tako da je on rešio da san proživi u potpunosti. Samo, Ludivine ima osećaj da će taj - momka sreće devojku- scenario će imati košmarni preokret ...

недеља, 11. септембар 2016.

Official selection 2016 - The boars are wild

The boars are wild (Serbia)

Director : Aleksandar Alek jovanovic

Film is about serbian american football team "Wild boars",promotion of  sport life and idea to show the team that does not save their energy on the field.

Runtime : 47min 30sec


Veprovi su divlji (Srbija)

Dokumentarni film
Reditelj : Aleksandar Alek Jovanović

Film o srpskom timu američkog fudbala "Divlji veprovi", promociji sportskog života i ideje da se pokaže tim koji ne štedi svoju energiju na terenu.

петак, 9. септембар 2016.

Official selection 2016 - Smile again Jenny Lee

Smile again, Jenny Lee (USA)

Director : Carlo Caldana

Jenny Lee is a tennis all-star known for her acerbic wit and temper. When a mysterious accident ends her career, Jenny finds out that her agent ran away with her money. Now penniless and forgotten by her sport, she decides to restart her career and seek financial support. She embarks in a search for her father who abandoned her when she was a child, but soon tracks down a man with a shady past who left a trail of family secrets.

Runtime : 01h 48min

Nasmeši se ponovo, Dženi Li (SAD)

Dugometražni film
Reditelj : Carlo Caldana

Jenny Lee je teniska zvezda poznata po svom britkom humoru i naravi. Kada misteriozna nesreća prekine njenu karijeru, Jenny saznaje da je njen agent pobjegao sa njenim novac. Sada bez prebijene pare i zaboravljena od strane njenog sporta, ona odluči da ponovo pokrene svoju karijeru i tražiti finansijsku podršku. Ona se upušta u potragu za svojim ocem koji ju je napustio kad je bila mala, ali je ubrzo pronašla muškarca sumnjive prošlosti koji je ostavio trag porodične tajne.

уторак, 6. септембар 2016.

Official selection 2016 - Dragon woman

Dragon woman (Croatia)

Director : Ivana Sansević

"Dragon Woman" is a story about three girls who struggled with anorexia and bulimia for years. In the process for searching for themselves they went through a difficult experience of eating disorders. This is also a story about one girl who felt guilty for many years because she didn't help her sister when she needed it the most. This is a story about sadness, disappointment, but also about finding and discovering – a story about all of us who often forget our own value, and even more, our capabilities.

Runntime : 33min 37sec


Žena zmaj (Hrvatska)

Domumetarni film
Reditelj : Ivana Sansević

"Ženu zmaja" je priča o tri devojke koji su se borili s anoreksijom i bulimijom  godinama. U procesu potrage za sobom prošle su kroz teško iskustvo poremećaja u ishrani. Ovo je i priča o jednoj devojci koja  mnogo godina oseća krivicu jer nije pomogla  sestri kada je to bilo najpotrebnije. Ovo je priča o tuzi, razočaranju, ali i o pronalaženju i otkrivanju - priča o svima nama koji često zaboravljamo vlastite vrednosti, pa čak i više, naše mogućnosti.

субота, 27. август 2016.

Official selection 2016 - At the border

At the border (Serbia)

Director : Laurent Rouy

The year is 2022 and life has become unbearable in the wealthy West. Tens of thousands of people from rich countries now want to immigrate to poor Serbia where people still feel joy, love life. Fearing for its stability, Serbia has closed its borders. Rich immigrants will have to cross illegally if they really want to enter. Arnaud, a young French man, is in love with Jelena. The only problem is that she lives in Serbia, and he is not allowed to enter. In the middle of the craziness that reigns at the border, he will do everything he can to get across. Milos, the chief of the border police, is there to stop him...

Runntime : 16min 54sec


Na granici (Srbija)

Kratki film
Reditelj: Laurent Rouy

Godina je 2022 i život je postao nepodnošljiv na bogatom Zapadu. Desetine hiljada ljudi iz bogatih zemalja sada žele da emigriraju u siromašnu Srbiju gde ljudi i dalje osjećaju radost, vole život. U strahu za svoju stabilnost, Srbija je zatvorila svoje granice. Bogati imigranti će morati preći ilegalno ako stvarno žele ući. Arnaud, mladi Francuz, je u ljubavi sa Jelenom. Jedini problem je što ona živi u Srbiji, a njemu  nije dozvoljen ulazak. U sredini ludila koje vlada na granici, on će učiniti sve što može da je pređe. Miloš, šef granične policije, je tu da ga zaustavi ...

четвртак, 11. август 2016.

Official selection 2016 - Fils

Fils (Luxembourg)

Director : Curys Neshvad

Sebastian, who can’t forgive his son being in the coma, begins to see him appearing strangely to him.

Runtime: 13min 40sec


Sin (Luksemburg)

Kratki film
Reditelj: Curys Neshvad

Sebastian, koji ne može prežaliti što je njegov sin bio u komi, počinje da ga vidi kao čudno pojavljivalje. 

Official selection 2016 - Antoine

Antoine (Luxembourg)
Director : Curys Neshvad

Since Antoine, a travelling doctor, no longer takes the time to come and see her, Renée is convinced that she had been a bad mother.

Runtime : 11min 20sec


Antoine (Luksemburg)
Kratki film
Reditelj : Curys Neshvad

Pošto Antoine, putujući doktor, nema više vremena da je poseti, Rene je ubeđena da je ona bila loša majka.

уторак, 19. јул 2016.

Official selection 2016 - Schrodinger`s cat

Schrodinger`s cat (USA)

Director : Gigi Bannister

Mr. Smith , finds a kitty  and falls in love with it. When mad scientist, Dr. Schrodinger , commands Mr. Smith place the kitty in a box with radioactive materials for a dastardly experiment, the assistant is in agony! Will curiosity kill the cat?!?! Will Annie become radioactive kitty litter?!?! The men open the box together to find out solve the scientific mystery!

Runtime : 1min 38sec


Schrodingerova mačka (SAD)

Kratki film/Nemi
Reditelj : Gigi Bannister

Gospodin Smith , pronalazi mačku i zaljubljuje se u nju. Kada ludi naučnik, dr Schrodinger, naredi gospodinu Smithu da postavi macu u kutiji s radioaktivnim materijalima za kukavički eksperiment, pomoćnik je u agoniji! Hoće li radoznalost ubiti mačku?!?! Hoće li Annie postati radioaktivna mačiji otpad?!?! Ljudi otvore kutiju zajedno da saznaju rešenje naučne misterije!

среда, 13. јул 2016.

Official selection 2016. - Pechorin

Pechorin (Russian Federation)

Director : Roman Khrushch 

Based on the Russian classic Mikhail Lermontov novel “The Hero of Our Time”.
All events shown as they are reflected in the mind of the dying hero, as a series of irrevocable mistakes and interpreted anew: it is either reconsideration or repentance. Recollections make main hero torment himself over his own past pretenses that seem ridicules now agonize and despair over his perfect indifference to everything except himself, see the horrible aspect of killing his friend, a greenhorn and a show-off. The final action of an intelligent and outstanding man is judging oneself without mercy.

Runtime : 1h 37min


Pechorin (Rusija)

Reditelj : Roman Khrushch

Baziran na ruskom klasiku Mihaila Ljermontova romanu "Junak našeg doba". Svi događaji prikazani kao što jesu se ogledaju u umu umirućeg junaka, kao niz neopozivih grešaka i iznova tumačenih: to je ili ponovno razmatranje ili pokajanje. Sećanja čine da glavni junak muči sebe zbog svoje prošlosti izgovorom koji je besmisleno mučenje i očajanje nad svojom savršenom ravnodušnošću prema svemu, osim sebe, vidi strašne aspekt ubijanja njegovog prijatelja,novajlije i hvalisavca. Konačna akcija inteligentnog i izuzetnog čovek je presuda sebi bez milosti.

недеља, 10. јул 2016.

Official selection 2016. - For one

For one (France)

Director : Mathieu Rivolier

Two employees of a private bank subtly plan their revenge against a client, a pretentious and unscrupulous man. But things don't go as planned...

Runtime : 7min 55sec


Za jedan (Francuska)

Kratki film
Reditelj : Mathieu Rivolier

Dva radnika banke suptilno planiraju osvetu protiv klijenta, pretencioznog i bezobzirnog čoveka. Ali stvari se ne odvijaju kako je planirano...

Official selection 2016. - Coal Sea

Coal Sea (Italy)

Director : Gian Luca Rossi

Margherita was born and raised in Aosta, in northern Italy, but her family is of southern origin, from Calabria. Eight months pregnant and in deep identity crisis, she decided to return to those places, loads of memories of childhood, where its roots lie. Just arrived, however, she finds that, on the site of an abandoned factory, a Swiss-Italian company intends to build a coal power plant from 1320 mega watts.

Runtume : 1h 20min

More uglja (Italija)

Reditelj : Gian Luca Rossi

Margeruta je rodjrna i odrasla u Aosti, sever Italije, ali njena porodica je južnog porekla, iz Kalabrije. Osam meseci trudna i u krizi identiteta duboko, ona je odlučila da se vrati  tim mjestima, hrpe sećanja na detinjstvo, gde  koreni leže. Samo što je stigla saznaje da na mestu napuštene fabrike, a švajcarsko-italijanska  kompanija namerava izgraditi termoelektrane od 1320 megavata.

Official selection 2016. - An essay on electoral fraud

An essay on electoral fraud (Portugal)

Director : Joao Ramos de Almeida

The movie is the story of a book, told in the first person. The storyteller is invited by a friend to meet someone who wanted to denounce the biggest electoral fraud in the Portuguese History. This fraud took place in the local elections of Lisbon, Portugal, in 2001 and helped Durao Barroso to lead the new government, months before his promotion to Brussels. That person had written a book, but nobody understood it. He needed a ghost-writer. But, suddenly, when the author was supposed to meet his ghost-writer he was found dead. The ghost-writer becomes the author. And step by step the new author enters into another world, “bumping” into the black side of democracy. This movie is about his thoughts, about other cases in the west countries and about how fragile democracy can be.

Runtime : 1h 11min

Esej o izbornim prevarama (Portugal)

Reditelj : Joao Ramos de Almeida

Film je priča o knjizi, ispričana u prvom licu.Pripovjedač je pozvao prijatelja da upoznam nekog ko je želio da osudi najveće izborne prevare u portugalskoj istoriji. Ova prevara je na lokalnim izborima u Lisabonu, Portugal, 2001. i pomogla Durao Barroso da voditi novu vladu, mesecima pre njegove promocije u Briselu. Ta osoba je napisala knjigu, ali niko nije razumio. Bio mu je potreban duh-pisac. Ali, iznenada, kada je autor trebao da upozna njegov duh-pisca on je pronađen mrtav. Duh-pisac postaje autor. I korak po korak novoi autor ulazi u drugi svijet, "sudaraju" se sa crnom stranom demokratije. Ovaj film je o njegovim mislima, o drugim slučajevima na zapadu zemlje i kako krhka demokratija može biti.

понедељак, 16. мај 2016.


For more informations about fees and terms contact us!
Our mail is kgflmfestival@gmail.com


Za više informacija o uslovima i plaćanjima kotizacija kontaktirajte nas!
Naša mail adresa je kgfilmfestival@gmail.com

петак, 13. мај 2016.

Submit/Prijavi se

KGFF 2016 is open for submission!

Submit film by using  FilmFreeway  and Festhome platforms or contact us by mail kgfilmfestival@gmail.com


KGFF 2016 je otvoren za prijave!

Prijavite film koristeći platforme FilmFreeway i Festhome ili nas kontaktirajte putem e-mail adrese kgfilmfestival@gmail.com