уторак, 19. јул 2016.

Official selection 2016 - Schrodinger`s cat

Schrodinger`s cat (USA)

Director : Gigi Bannister

Mr. Smith , finds a kitty  and falls in love with it. When mad scientist, Dr. Schrodinger , commands Mr. Smith place the kitty in a box with radioactive materials for a dastardly experiment, the assistant is in agony! Will curiosity kill the cat?!?! Will Annie become radioactive kitty litter?!?! The men open the box together to find out solve the scientific mystery!

Runtime : 1min 38sec


Schrodingerova mačka (SAD)

Kratki film/Nemi
Reditelj : Gigi Bannister

Gospodin Smith , pronalazi mačku i zaljubljuje se u nju. Kada ludi naučnik, dr Schrodinger, naredi gospodinu Smithu da postavi macu u kutiji s radioaktivnim materijalima za kukavički eksperiment, pomoćnik je u agoniji! Hoće li radoznalost ubiti mačku?!?! Hoće li Annie postati radioaktivna mačiji otpad?!?! Ljudi otvore kutiju zajedno da saznaju rešenje naučne misterije!