недеља, 10. јул 2016.

Official selection 2016. - An essay on electoral fraud

An essay on electoral fraud (Portugal)

Director : Joao Ramos de Almeida

The movie is the story of a book, told in the first person. The storyteller is invited by a friend to meet someone who wanted to denounce the biggest electoral fraud in the Portuguese History. This fraud took place in the local elections of Lisbon, Portugal, in 2001 and helped Durao Barroso to lead the new government, months before his promotion to Brussels. That person had written a book, but nobody understood it. He needed a ghost-writer. But, suddenly, when the author was supposed to meet his ghost-writer he was found dead. The ghost-writer becomes the author. And step by step the new author enters into another world, “bumping” into the black side of democracy. This movie is about his thoughts, about other cases in the west countries and about how fragile democracy can be.

Runtime : 1h 11min

Esej o izbornim prevarama (Portugal)

Reditelj : Joao Ramos de Almeida

Film je priča o knjizi, ispričana u prvom licu.Pripovjedač je pozvao prijatelja da upoznam nekog ko je želio da osudi najveće izborne prevare u portugalskoj istoriji. Ova prevara je na lokalnim izborima u Lisabonu, Portugal, 2001. i pomogla Durao Barroso da voditi novu vladu, mesecima pre njegove promocije u Briselu. Ta osoba je napisala knjigu, ali niko nije razumio. Bio mu je potreban duh-pisac. Ali, iznenada, kada je autor trebao da upozna njegov duh-pisca on je pronađen mrtav. Duh-pisac postaje autor. I korak po korak novoi autor ulazi u drugi svijet, "sudaraju" se sa crnom stranom demokratije. Ovaj film je o njegovim mislima, o drugim slučajevima na zapadu zemlje i kako krhka demokratija može biti.